



1.325,00 €

Il prodotto è stato aggiunto al carrello.


Il Dialyt Spektiv è stato sviluppato appositamente per l’uso venatorio e mostra la sua forza anche nelle condizioni ambientali più avverse, quando l’affidabilità, la compattezza ed il peso ridotto sono determinanti.

Scheda tecnica

Modello DIALYT
Ingrandimenti 18-45x
Diametro pupilla d'uscita 3,6-1,4 mm
Campo visivo a 1000 m 40-23 m
Distanza minima focalizzazione 10 m
Tipo obiettivo Acromatico a 5 lenti
Riempimento di azoto si
Durata garanzia 10
Peso netto 1195 g
Lunghezza 395 mm
Larghezza 76 mm
Altezza 78 mm




L’oculare variabile va da 18 a 45 ingrandimenti, fornendo un grande campo visivo a basso ingrandimento ed immagini dettagliate ed estremamente nitide a 45x. L’ottica completamente nuova, dotata dei trattamenti antiriflesso più moderni, offre un’elevata trasmissione di luce, consentendo l’osservazione dalle prime ore del mattino fino a tarda sera. La costruzione leggera e compatta a monoblocco fa del Dialyt 18 – 45 x 65 l’accompagnatore ideale per la caccia vagante e di alta montagna. Lo strumento è assolutamente impermeabile all’acqua e alla polvere, per consentirne l’utilizzo in qualsiasi momento! per questo motivo, non solo cacciatori, ma anche ornitologi, tiratori e professionisti lo apprezzano particolarmente, anche come strumento da viaggio.




Reliable and robust

The Dialyt spotting scope shows its strengths even in the toughest conditions. On long trips, in impenetrable terrain, when you need uncompromising reliability, this compact and lightweight spotting scope is bound to impress. Its Monobloc construction makes the Dialyt spotting scope very handy and utterly reliable whatever the weather.


Quick and secure recognize

The speed at which your spotting scope is ready for use is frequently a critical factor in bird and nature observation. The quicker your spotting scope is ready, the more time you have to observe. The Dialyt 18-45x65 is therefore designed to be quickly positioned against a tree or rested on a backpack, providing a stable support, where setting up a tripod would waste valuable minutes. The alignment sights and lens focusing, aid with rapid target acquisition.


High-performance optics

The animals you wish to observe do not usually pay any attention to the lighting conditions. The high-performance optical concept of the Dialyt addresses this fact successfully and offers bright, high-contrast images, even in early morning light or late evening twilight. This demands the latest multi-layer coatings, which enable you to carry on observing even in the most challenging conditions.

With its wide field of view, high resolution and large magnification range you can identify even the finest details at long range.

Compact and lightweight

The lightweight, compact Monobloc construction makes the Dialyt 18-45x65 your ideal companion for long excursions, as it can be easily carried in your backpack.

The Dialyt 18-45x65 is also perfectly suited for use as a second or travel scope for outdoor excursions, walking, shooting sports and amateur astronomy.


No condensation

A sealed, alloy housing filled with nitrogen prevents condensation from forming inside the Dialyt 18–45x65. As a result, it is unaffected by wet and cold weather. Even if the air pressure suddenly changes the internal optics of the Dialyt 18-45x65 are protected from misting up by their nitrogen filling, which means they are always ready to use. It gives a huge practical advantage over shorter spotting scopes, which draw in air as a result of their structural design and are not filled with nitrogen. You can therefore rely totally on the functionality of your spotting scope, whether you are in the mountains or in flat, open countryside.

Variable magnification

You can find animals quickly at 18 x magnification thanks to the wide field of view and can then focus up to 45 x magnification, making it possible to identify even the small details with razor sharpness. This is due to the variable eyepiece with 18 to 45 x magnification. You are rewarded with bright, high-contrast images.


Comfortable operation

The Dialyt spotting scope is particularly easy to operate, even when speed is of the essence: the device is always primed and ready. You can therefore be very flexible in your choice of position. Whether it is rested quickly on a tree or positioned silently on your backpack, the compact spotting scope with alignment sight helps you to focus on your target at lightning speed.

The non-slip, shock-absorbing rubber armour means that you can operate it silently and easily, even with gloves on.

Tripod connection

Even though you can rest the Dialyt 18-45x65 on your backpack or against a tree, the device does also come with a tried and tested tripod connection. For long observations you can mount the spotting scope comfortably on one of our aluminium or carbon fibre tripods, or on a lightweight monopod. These can always be used when there are no natural resting places available, or when you want to observe over a longer period of time.